Al Sokol

Albert (Al) L. Sokol has 40 years of experience representing a variety of large, medium and small life sciences and technology companies, often in multinational transactions. Types of work include venture capital and private equity investments, mergers and acquisitions, spin-offs, general corporate counseling, strategic alliances, executive compensation, licenses, collaborations, intellectual property matters, litigation, and other types of assistance. Click here to read Al Sokol's full bio.
Connecting the Dots: Six Lessons from a Biotech M&A Case Study
By Al Sokol on Nov 13, 2018
Posted In Health M&A, International Health, Life Sciences
For biotechs, success involves a several year hike through mazes of complex, cross-border, business, scientific, financial and regulatory issues. During this year’s BIO2018 conference in Boston, McDermott gathered a panel of industry leaders and McDermott practitioners and led a case study assessment of cross-border biotech M&A, linking life sciences hubs in Europe, Asia and North...
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